Farmers' Market

est. 1996 - Connecticut's 2nd oldest Farmers' Market!

The Dudley Farm Farmers’ Market is a family-oriented gathering place held on the picturesque grounds of the historic Dudley Farm Museum. The Market provides the opportunity to purchase local and organic seasonal produce and handmade arts and crafts, while enjoying the beauty and serenity of the Farm as it was in the year 1900.

Current Schedule

Closed until June 1

Spring & Summer

Market will be open June through October

Fall & Holiday

Market will open September  and October Saturdays

9:30- 12:30.

Holiday Craft Market December 6/7 and 13/14

Always check our Facebook page for the latest updates and schedule changes. 
Markets and special events are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather.
Alternate dates will not be scheduled unless specifically noted.

Be among the first to know what’s going on “down on the farm.” Just click on the button below to sign up for the Dudley Farm Market News, which comes out every three weeks.

The Farmers’ Market not only reflects an old-time practice of selling produce at a roadside stand, it also provides an opportunity to build a community of supporters who return again and again to the Dudley Farm. People can purchase produce, home baked goods and handcrafts, they can bring their children to visit the livestock and romp on the hillside, visit exhibits in the Farmhouse Museum, attend workshops, listen to music, or just come to have a cup of coffee and visit.

Vendors are encouraged to view their time at the Farmers’ Market in this light. That is, they should be willing to share their knowledge of producing the items they are selling including, but not limited to, organic farming and gardening, handcraft production, materials, methods and inspiration.

Photo by Judy Stone

Market Vendors

Bitta-Blue Farm

Killingworth, CT

Bitta-Blue Farm offers eggs from free range ducks & chickens, a great variety of jams and pickles and a full range of vegetables & some fruits raised with ecologically sustainable methods

Country Bread Bakery

Southington, CT

Organic sourdough breads and petit baguettes made with naturally fermented starter using slow fermentation

Photograph of Market Bag

D.F. Gift Shop

Guilford, CT

Hand-made cloth and knitted items from local crafters

Elmer's Acres

Wallingford, CT

Fresh-cut flower bouquets & local raw honey

Leap Frog Farm


Farmer Alex Lowry grows top quality All Natural greens and seasonal vegetables available exclusively at the Dudley Farm Market

Martha’s Favorites


Hand sewn, knitted & felted items inspired by nature, including bucket hats, bags, painted tee shirts, gifts for babies, cats, dogs & more. Seasonally: seedlings, perennials & fresh vegetables

PGS Designs

Meriden, CT

Handcrafted jewelry created from repurposed metals

Potter Family Farm


Grass fed and finished beef & pasture pork

ThimbleReed's Bountiful Harvest


Organic eggs & beeswax candles

Local Produce, Goods & Crafts

If you wish to become a vendor, please email [email protected]

All produce at the market must be grown in the state of Connecticut by the vendors. All crafts must be made by the craft vendors.