The Community Garden was first established in 1994, in what has now become the farm’s Heritage Garden that is planted annually with heirloom vegetables and flowers and located just south of the large pasture.
Several years later the lower meadow was leased to several organic growers. In 1999, The Dudley Farm Museum received certified organic status for what today has become The Dudley Farm Community Garden.
Currently the garden has 19 full plots, a few of which have been divided in half.
Community gardeners pay a fee for the seasonal use of a garden plot, and agree to follow prescribed organic gardening practices.

Between 2009 and 2011, Dudley Farm Museum volunteers and Community Garden members made significant improvements to the garden area by clearing trees, designing and building a garden shed, installing a new watering system and expanding the parking area. The Guilford Savings Bank provided grants for the cost of materials while volunteers supplied the necessary labor. Many of the gardeners have become Foundation members and support other museum programs.

Although the number of garden plots is limited, The Dudley Farm Museum plans to offer organic gardening workshops and news updates to the wider community. See News & Events for additional information.
Inquiries may be made through the website or by leaving messages at 203–457–0770 for the Community Garden Coordinator, Judy Stone.