Member of the New England Museum Association (NEMA), Connecticut League of Museums (CLM), American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), Small Museum Association (SMA), The Agricultural History Society (AHS), and the Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALFHAM).

$1,000 Grant Received from the Agricultural History Society
The Dudley Farm continues to develop new exhibits focused on portions of The Big Barn with the overall theme of “The Big Barn: The Heart of the Farm.” With a grant from the Agricultural History Society a new display is being implemented to showcase the role of the Farm Workshop located on the east side of the Big Barn complex. The completed exhibit is expected to open this spring.

Guilford Foundation Grants
We have been fortunate to receive financial assistance and grants this year from The Guilford Foundation for operational support, Keith Bishop for our Milkhouse exhibit; and a private donation for our sawmill. Your donations and membership have helped to make The Dudley Farm Museum an important part of Guilford’s historical heritage. A grant from the Pomeroy Foundation provided us with the beautiful bronze plaque in front of the house and commemorates our acceptance as The Dudley Farm Historical District listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Dudley Farm Receives ARPA Grant
The Dudley Farm Museum is proud to announce the receipt of a $26,000 grant from the Guilford Foundation as part of the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), of which $1 million was allocated to Guilford. The town has awarded grants to 34 local nonprofits to support recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic which affected us all. The funds will be used for much needed maintenance, exhibit development and program support. We thank First Selectman Matt Hoey, the full Board of Selectmen and The Guilford Foundation for their generous support. We also thank all our members, visitors and volunteers for their steadfast support through the pandemic and in years to come.